Clarky's Closet

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Mark Clark Season 4 Episode 3

Today's show is about one of the great poems in English history. 

If you have ever heard of 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, or if you've ever wondered what the story is about and if you have 80 minutes to spare, settle back with some opium, or whatever you can get your hands on and grab a copy of the poem in a book, or on-line. (I have also put it up on under 'Lyrics to Podcasts'.)

I broke the poem into 19 original songs (it is 144 stanzas long) with a few repeat melodies. After each song I explain what is happening in the poem.

Special thanks to Jessica Zamprogno for all female voices and back up vocals. All instrumentation and male vocals by me.

All of my albums are available on the usual platforms and my website is:

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